Two-factor Authentication

We use our custom code for step by step form included in nioapp and jQuery Validation plugin for form validation.

Chooose An Authentication Options

Discover how to manage Two-Factor Authentication in Dashlite. It's an additional security layer that creates a temporary, one-time password (OTP).

Two-Factor Authenticator Apps

An authenticator app lets you generate security codes on your phone without needing to receive text messages.We recommend using cloud-based TOTP apps such as: 1password, lastpass Authenticator or microsoft Authenticator.

1. Configure the app

Open your two-factor authentication app and add your GitHub account by scanning the QR code to the right.

If you can't use a QR code, enter this text code.

SMS: Verify Your Mobile Number

Check you SMS app for 6 digit OTP

Open your two-factor authentication app and add your GitHub account by scanning the QR code to the right.